Monday, March 10, 2014

Stop Making Sense

This blog has been online for some time now.  I look at the stats and wonder what brings people to this site.  I would guess it may be something in the title that drew them.  I imagine that they click the link looking for something and then realize, "this is not what I was expecting" , and they go on their way.  However, if you are looking for information on the contemplative path and, God, by His divine providence, brought you here, know this.  Until you experience the Love of God in your life nothing will truly make sense.  I wish I could help you on your path to realizing that truth.  I can say it and you may know it.  But unless that knowledge is transformed into a living and breathing reality that lives in your heart then I fear you will be always seeing but never perceiving, always hearing but never understanding.  If you have not experienced the Love of God in your life I would suggest you do 2 things:  1. Seek after it with everything that is within you and do not stop seeking it. 2. Pray that God would give you the grace to receive it. Ultimately His love is His gift to give.  All we can do is receive it with gratitude.


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