Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Naked Intent

So how do you practice Centering Prayer? I am really only a novice, having only practiced for about 10 months.  However, I have had some good results and I have read many books on the subject, so I will offer what I know and maybe someone more experienced can provide a better accounting at a later date.  To begin with, Centering Prayer(CP) is practiced most often in a quiet place removed from the hustle and bustle of life.  This is not altogether necessary, but probably more helpful in the beginning.  The room can be dark or light and you can pray with your eyes open or shut, or a combination of the two.  It is really your preference, try different ways and see what works best for you.  You should sit comfortably, but not too comfortably that you easily fall asleep.  You may light a candle or have a cross or other sacred symbol to gaze upon. As you are sitting comfortably, introduce your centering word.  This word could be an endearing name of God like "Abba, Father", or "Lord, Jesus".  It could be the word love or peace.  I have used a variety of words.  The purpose of this word is that it should represent your consent to the presence of God and his action within you.  It is a desire to enter into a communion with God.  In the book, The Cloud of Unknowing, by Unknown, the author describes this as a "naked intent" for God.  It might be described as a wordless yearning for him.  After we introduce this word, you set in quiet awareness of God without really thinking of anything.  When thoughts come to mind reintroduce the word to recenter yourself.  The idea is to let your mind rest without the interruption of thoughts.  In the beginning, this may be difficult and you may have to return to your centering word quite often.  Don't despair if thoughts seem to overwhelm you, even very undesirable thoughts.  Just calmly dismiss the thoughts and return to your centering word.  Try to start with 15 minutes but stop when it becomes too uncomfortable. Work up to 20 minutes.  I like to close with the Lord's Prayer.  A WORD OF CAUTION: CP is not a technique which can be achieved.  It is a pure gift of God's Grace.  In other words, don't try so hard.  As we sit in silence we allow God to speak to our spirit in a way that intellectual prayer cannot.  You have to trust that despite the distractions that may occur during the prayer session, that you have received what God wanted you to have.  Sometimes you will receive great spiritual consolations, other times you will not. Thank Him and know that he is working in you to transform you to his image.  Before long you will notice a change in yourself and others will too.

Peace be with You,

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