Monday, July 23, 2012

A Journey into Centering prayer

Having just returned from my first Centering Prayer retreat with Fr. William Meninger, one of the co-founders of the Centering Prayer movement, I felt compelled to start a blog about Centering prayer.  In part, so that I may be encouraged by others who may feel led to post here, but also because I feel a need to document my own journey.  My journey really began with my son's interest in the teaching's of Thich Nhat Hanh. I was really seeking a christian response to the zen buddhist's teachings. Before long, God sent a book to me in the mail via  The title of the book was "Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God: The Practice of Centering Prayer", by J. David Muyskens.  Actually, my daughter was about to start on a year long mission to Brazil, and one of the missionaries sent the book to her.  However, I feel the book was intended for me and I began my journey into Centering Prayer.  I believe the book was a great introduction to Centering Prayer and I have gone through it twice.  My goal is to share some of the insights gained through Centering Prayer and to allow others to post their insights if they so desire.

Peace be with You,

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