Friday, January 10, 2020

On the Face of It

I had always resisted the urge to to create a Facebook account until a couple of weeks ago. For whatever reason, I decided to throw my lot in with the millions of others, thinking maybe I could speak a good and kind word to those needing to hear it. And maybe some did hear a positive message, but it seems to me that for all of the promise of FB, it mostly consists of hollow cliches and political tribalism.  It is jarring to see in one post an uplifting spiritual quote and in the next a political rant on the justification for assassinating a foreign leader. And the most troubling is that the 2 posts might be from the same person. It seems to me that Facebook has finally, without any coercion, unmasked the hypocrisy of organized religion in general and christianity in particular as if it needed any help. Christian's can say they love Jesus, but hate Democrats. They can say they love their neighbor, but support carrying concealed weapons. I wonder if Jesus would really align himself with either political party. One of the problems with political parties and the church is they like to talk about things they believe, but do nothing about it. I know this may seem harsh, but hardly anyone reads this anyway, so for me it's a way of getting it off my chest. These are many of the reasons I quit the church to begin with. I think Kimberly is relieved I have left because she does not like confrontation and though I used to enjoy it, it no longer produces joy in me. So my Facebook experiment has come to an end and I now have unfriended everyone, no offense.


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