Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Letters to My Kids

I have struggled, to some extent, with this blog over the past several years.  For me, the proper motivation has always been problematic.  To write something is to believe that what you write has some value and that perhaps it may have some value for others.  The problem for me has always been the desire for affirmation for what I have written.  So the title change of the blog is indicative of the new primary focus for this blog.  Since I would be remiss in not passing my understanding of faith to my children, that is my new purpose in writing(yes David and Abbie, you are included in this).  I would stress at the outset that  my writing skills are not as polished as some of you, probably most of you.  I still feel like I have some insights that may prove useful to you in your spiritual journey.  In addition, I have no doubt that you will disagree with some things that I propose.  It's OK.  I can take criticism, and perhaps God can use you to give me clarity on matters I might not fully understand.  Please don't feel compelled to affirm anything I write.  If you need to know why I say this, see above. So I thought I would start out with the things that seem to be most important to me, however I may change my mind on some things after I have posted them.  Hopefully this will be because God has given me more insight into the matter. May the Peace of Christ dwell in you.

Your Father/-in-law

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