Monday, February 20, 2017

Intro to Spirituality

Of late I have been interested in the idea of trying to develop some materials that might be helpful for those desiring spiritual growth.  I have especially been interested in spirituality for those from a Bible-believing protestant tradition of which I am a child. Those of us from this tradition have some special challenges that make spiritual growth difficult. The doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture, and our belief that all people can understand the bible in the same way highlight this difficulty. These two foundational ideas are understood by the rational mind, but spirituality is a matter of the heart. Unless one is able create an openness in their heart for the spiritual, then spiritual growth will be stunted. Paul says not to quench the spirit in I Thess 5:19.  Instead of quenching the Spirit we should be fanning the flame.

The idea of opening oneself to the unknown is a bit intimidating to those of us who thought being in control was the desired outcome. A rational understanding of the scriptures is what we were taught and that understanding was equated with "The Truth". To divert from that truth was to be on the wrong side of God.  The idea of spiritual experience was not to be trusted, and in fact some would go as far as to say that the Holy Spirit was no longer necessary because that which was perfect(i.e., the bible) had come. I would guess that unless you have questioned some of the previous statements you would not be reading this.  I hope I might offer you some hope and help on your journey.

To say that this spiritual journey is sometimes frightening would be an understatement.  Giving up control of our ideas about God can be, at times, terrifying.  There have been times when I felt like I was heading down the road to destruction, really.  I put this caution out there because I want you to be aware of the risks of the spiritual life. I would not want to lead you down a path without pointing out the potential pitfalls. Believe me when I say that the peril is worth it, but it is also real.  Many of Jesus' disciples turned back because they could not accept his teaching(John 6:60-66).

So the question is, can you open your heart to God?  Can you make even a small opening that the Christ might be welcomed?(Rev 3:20) The spiritual potential for Bible-believing christians is their knowledge of the scriptures. As Luke writes, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked
with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"(Luke 24:32) Let God's Love burn in your heart as you decide on the next step of your spiritual journey.


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